Workshop “Core idea and Campaigning” by Ketchum

THE idea is core of everything, and with tips&tricks we have a good campaign

We were very pleased to have Christof Biggeleben, Head of Campaigning at Ketchum Pleon in Germany, as a guest lecturer in our office in Belgrade


Christof led a Campaigning training for our employees and our guest participant Axel Schein from Ketchum Publico in Austria, focusing on how campaigns work and what makes them relevant to society and the client’s target groups.


By showing us interesting examples of award winning campaigns, he motivated us to think outside the box, and even break rules when creating a campaign for the client.


The participants were divided into three groups and had the task of preparing a campaign for one of our real clients.


At the end, each team presented its idea to the jury and discussed whether the campaign would be successful or not.
It was very interesting to see how different all three campaigns were. Even though we work together every day – each group had a specific approach.


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