Komercijalna banka

Komercijalna banka’s business results for the first half of 2021

High capital adequacy and growth in all key business segments

Belgrade, August 25th, 2021 – High capital adequacy and progress in all key business segments – assets growth of EUR 180 million, or 5%, increase in lending activity of EUR 55 million, which is almost 3.5%, as well as the growth of deposits of more than EUR 144 million or 5% characterized the business of Komercijalna banka, member of NLB Group in the first half of 2021.

The grounds for the fulfillment of business plans and achievement of very good results were set by improving the methodologies and procedures as part of harmonization with the standards of the new parent NLB Group, as well as the decrease in the NPL portfolio of EUR 33 million, which ensured the continuation of growth in lending activity.

As early as in the first quarter, Komercijalna banka set a new record in one of the strategic segments of its operation – in the disbursement of retail loans, where a surge of as much as 36% was recorded year-over-year. The Bank also confirmed its already traditional role of the leader in agricultural financing and continued with a stable increase in the corporate loan portfolio.

“Our greatest asset is more than a million satisfied clients. The constant desire to justify their trust again proved to be the wind in our sails in order to achieve excellent results and show that by joining the NLB family, Komercijalna banka has become ever more stable and ready to focus on customer needs. We continued to develop as a universal bank with individual and relevant solutions for each individual client. The results that we have achieved thanks to that show that we are going the right way to achieve the projections for the current year, but also our plan to become the leading financial institution in Serbia in the next five years”, said Vlastimir Vuković, the Chief Executive Officer of Komercijalna banka.

Vlastimir Vuković, CEO of Komercijalna banka

He added that, in accordance with the strategic orientation of NLB Group, Komercijalna banka will direct a significant portion of its net interest and fee income to further development and expansion of the range of its digital services, in order to continue its dynamic development in line with its clients’ modern needs.

“Komercijalna banka has experienced an exponential increase in the use of its digital services, of almost 40% a year. In the first six months of the current year, we developed and offered to the clients completely digital cash loans, as well as KombankPay application for even more efficient and safe payments by mobile phones. In the upcoming period we would like to digitalize and offer online as many services as possible and to simultaneously continue to work on improving the standards in branches, which remain the point of meeting and advising our clients”, said Vuković.

As one of the systemic market players in Serbia, Komercijalna banka joined NLB bank this year in providing systemic support to small businesses that are recovering from the economic consequences of the pandemic through the project Support Framework, as well as to organic food producers through the Organic competition. This year the Bank has opened its first Housing Loan Center, a completely unique concept of comprehensive support, from submitting the loan application to disbursement.

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