Avon winner of gender equality award

The company’s commitment to equal opportunities does not go unnoticed

On 10 June 2022, the Avon company received an award for the promotion of gender equality in the category Contribution to the improvement of the labour rights of women and men and the work-life balance.

Gender Equality Day is celebrated for the first time this year on 11 June, because on that day in 1842 women were granted the right to education in Serbia. Gender Equality Day was marked with the official event, and on that occasion, prizes were awarded for promoting gender equality.

H.E. Emanuele Giaufret, Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia, Milana Rikanović, Director of the UN Women Serbia, and prof. Dr Zorana Mihajlović, Vice President of the Government of Serbia and President of the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality gave introductory remarks. Following the official opening, awards were given to the winners in various categories, and the Avon company was among the first winners of this award. On that occasion, the company was presented with a well-deserved honour for its Contribution to the improvement of the labour rights of women and men and the work-life balance.

The event was also attended by Brankica Janković, Commissioner for Protection of Equality and Gordana Čomić, Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue.

“When more than 135 years ago, David McConnell, the founder of Avon started his business in America, he had no idea that he was actually starting a real women’s revolution. 34 years before women got the right to vote in America, they were offered the opportunity to become financially independent. The idea of this visionary laid the foundations of Avon company today, whose mission is empowering women in everything it does. In our company, women hold 80% of management positions, and our goal is to absolutely eliminate the difference in the salary between male and female colleagues, which is currently lower than 1%, by the end of 2023.

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