85% of young people in Serbia consider “me time” extremely important

Orbit Brand research reveals how young generations handle stress

A new study* conducted by the chewing gum brand Orbit, focusing on everyday micro-stresses, revealed that nearly three-quarters of respondents experience stress daily. Driven by this sobering data, Orbit is on a mission to help young generations discover fun and unconventional ways to effectively cope with micro-stresses. Given that “me time” is extremely important to 85% of Gen Z and millennial respondents, Orbit recognized the issue and launched the Chewtopia campaign, reminding us to take moments for ourselves during a chaotic day, and serving as a guide for young people to focus.

Micro-stresses are small, stressful moments that happen every day and drain time, energy, and enthusiasm. Whether it’s bad news, increasing employment difficulties, or rising living costs, the research shows that millennials and Gen Z are more stressed than previous generations at the same age. As leaders in creating new trends and questioning the status quo, millennials and Gen Z did not hold back when sharing what stresses them in daily life and how they deal with it – no matter how strange or wonderful it may be.

Overload of obligations and disagreements with friends and family are the most prominent problems for as many as 48% of respondents, experiencing them at least once a day, Orbit’s research revealed.

To cope with these stresses, the study found that 44% of respondents overcome them by isolating themselves from the people causing the stress, 42% by walking outside, and 38% by talking about their feelings with others. Others revealed that they cope with stress by going to the gym (25%), while some achieve the same effect by running (12%) or listening to podcasts (19%), emphasizing that the way to deal with micro-stresses is irrelevant – as long as it is effective.

Gen Z and millennials consider “me time” extremely important because it helps them relax (67%), gives them time to enjoy things they love (62%), allows them to disconnect and focus on themselves (53%), or to achieve privacy and recharge (46%).

“Micro-stresses can manifest in different ways, depending on the person, and we can manage them through many processes. Whether we are talking about micro-stresses caused by missing the bus, poor Wi-Fi, or an endless to-do list, Gen Z and millennials face numerous micro-stresses daily. Given these concerns hovering over young people, many consider ‘me time’ an important tool for stress management. Chewtopia is intended for those who need a moment of peace, providing guidance for young people to refocus,” said Katarina Lero, regional portfolio manager for the chewing gum category.

Although the concept of micro-stress is more familiar to Gen Z than millennials, both generations of young people find creative ways to deal with it. By making “me time” a daily priority, younger generations can be an example to all of us on how to effectively handle stress.

*Disclaimer: All further data is derived from this research. The survey was conducted by the Orbit brand in partnership with Deep Dive Research and Consulting and included 200 respondents. The survey was active from April 19, 2024, to May 10, 2024.

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